
Tech Visionary Adi Schechter Adds Director of Marketing Prowess to the Team

Her Experience Will Fuel an Improved Go-to-Market Strategy
December 28, 2022

Blue White Robotics leads with passion, authenticity, and a clear vision for changing the world with a 21st-century sustainable farm solution. As a passionate marketer who quickly became enraptured by the future of agriculture technology throughout my interview deep dive, I am very excited to join the company and be a part of the next revolution in the farming industry.

With a BA in communications from Reichman University in Israel, I started my career in advertising, guiding local affiliate marketing teams of international brands – from market leaders like Wrigley’s and PepsiCo to P&G. The desire to learn and develop took me to the UK, where I lived for a year while completing my MSc in Marketing at the Queen Mary University of London.  

In 2015, I joined Phillip Morris International and led both local and international brands, products, and promotional strategies. Through this work, we were able to increase awareness, preference, sales, and retention of a portfolio of products all while launching several new products in the market.  

I made the move to the high-tech industry in 2019 when I joined Viber, one of the world’s leading communication apps. With more than a billion users worldwide, I led all marketing retention efforts globally – understanding user needs in order to provide them with added value and enriching their experience while using the app. We had the opportunity to provide our users with pertinent information formerly outside of the scope of our content after partnering with the World Health Organization and local governments as a trusted information source on evolving community concerns.

On a personal note, I live in central Israel and am a big fan of Pilates for almost 5 years now. I’m a true believer in organization and efficiency which makes me the go-to gal in my friend group when it comes to reorganizing a closet. And, I’m an amateur interior designer who takes great pride in my apartment’s look and feel. I am also very interested in studying human nature and anthropology which makes me very invested in true crime, documentaries, and reality shows while also continuously contributing to my work.

I am very excited to join the team and start making sure the world knows about Blue White Robotics. Its amazing products and people are changing the world for the better, and I can’t wait to be a part of it. Let’s hope the world is ready!