
For ALL of Your Farm’s Operational Needs

Grow your way with less


Spraying, discing, mowing, and more with your existing fleet and implements means working year-round.

Manage your entire fleet remotely

Optimize your fleet and input usage with precise data-driven insights.

See Immediate Results

Bluewhite is designed to deliver ROI right away

Reduce labor costs
40% -
Reduce labor costs
55% -

We will keep  your autonomous farm updated at no extra cost

Learn how it works

Technology gets easy

The friendliest user experience


If you use a smartphone, tablet or computer, you can master Bluewhite Compass.

An easy-to-view dashboard, daily reports and operational insights let you know what’s happening anywhere on your farm

You don’t need engineers to help you integrate — we do it for you.

After thousands of autonomous driving hours without a single incident, we focus on your peace of mind